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A species of Turquoise Group, Also known as Ithaca Peak Turquoise, Calaite, Chalchite, Chalchuite, Oriental Turquoise, Hydrargillite , Callais, Sleeping Beauty Turquoise

A well-known stone, turquoise has been valued by humans for thousands of years. Its name derives from the French word for Turkey (the country), whence some of the first stones arrived in Europe. Today, the making of turquoise jewelry remains an important economic and cultural activity for many indigenous peoples of the American Southwest.

Semi-precious gemstone


5 - 6


2.91 g/cm³

General Info About Turquoise

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Physical Properties of Turquoise

Vitreous, Resinous, Dull, Waxy
Transparent to opaque
bright blue, sky-blue, pale green, blue-green, turquoise-blue, apple-green, green-gray
Conchoidal, Uneven
Pale greenish blue to white
Crystal System
5 - 6 , Moderate
2.91 g/cm³, Normal Weight
Delicate gemstone
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Chemical Properties of Turquoise

Chemical Classification
CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8 · 4H2O
Elements listed
Al, Cu, H, O, P
Common Impurities
Fe, Ca

Optical Properties of Turquoise

Refractive Index
Optical Character
Biaxial positive

Health Risk of Turquoise

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What is the hazards of Turquoise?

Harm Type
Heavy Metals
Turquoise dust is toxic because it contains heavy metals Copper.

How to prevent the risks of Turquoise?

Avoid inhaling its dust!
Avoid putting it into mouth!
Turquoise is safe to handle in its finished, polished state, but excessive exposure to its dust may lead to heavy metal poisoning. When cutting or polishing turquoise, wear a dust mask to minimize dust inhalation. Store it in a sealed container in a well-ventilated area, away from children and pets. For those involved in crystal healing, never put it in your mouth.

Discover the Value of Turquoise

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Collection Recommendation
4.5 out of 5
Sci-Cultural Value

The Market Price of Turquoise

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Color, clarity, pattern, hardness, origin, and weight are important indicators to measure the price of turquoise. Often used to make all kinds of jewelry, a stone of about 1 cm at ordinary quality is usually $2-$10/piece, while the most unique, highest-quality specimens of the same size can sell for thousands.

Rough/Tumbled Price

Fixed Price
$0.5 - $5 ct

Gemstone Price

$1 ~ $10 /ct

How to Care for Turquoise?

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Scratch resistance

Toughness of Turquoise

The fair toughness of turquoise results from its tendency to contain a matrix of other minerals, potentially creating weak spots that increase susceptibility to breakage upon impact.

Stability of Turquoise

Turquoise's susceptibility to water, sunlight, heat, stains, and chemicals makes it less ideal for daily wear without careful maintenance.
More Care Tips of Turquoise

Real vs Fake Turquoise

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9 Ways to Tell if turquoise is Real

Fake Alert Level:
Special Caution
Low-quality turquoise is often impregnated with resin to enhance color, luster, and stability, known as "Stabilized Turquoise." Although priced lower than natural turquoise, it's not fake. Some prefer its color stability over natural turquoise, which can discolor from skin oils. The current market is flooded with numerous turquoise imitations, including dyed Howlite, dyed Magnesite, Glass, plastic, and minerals like Variscite and Chrysocolla occasionally mistaken for turquoise. Two of the most perplexing products are reconstituted turquoise and lab-created turquoise. The former involves crushing low-quality turquoise into powder, mixing it with resin and dye, raising authenticity doubts. The latter, synthesized by Gilson company, is considered genuine but priced much lower than natural turquoise. Here are some handy tips to help you initially discern the authenticity of turquoise.
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How to identify it?

Characteristics of Turquoise

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Characteristics of Turquoise

The finest of turquoise reaches a maximum Mohs hardness of just under 6, or slightly more than window glass. Characteristically a cryptocrystalline mineral, turquoise almost never forms single crystals, and all of its properties are highly variable. X-ray diffraction testing shows its crystal system to be triclinic. With lower hardness comes lower specific gravity (2.60–2.90) and greater porosity; these properties are dependent on grain size. The lustre of turquoise is typically waxy to subvitreous, and its transparency is usually opaque, but may be semitranslucent in thin sections. Colour is as variable as the mineral's other properties, ranging from white to a powder blue to a sky blue and from a blue-green to a yellowish green. The blue is attributed to idiochromatic copper while the green may be the result of either iron impurities (replacing aluminium) or dehydration. The refractive index of turquoise (as measured by sodium light, 589.3 nm) is approximately 1.61 or 1.62; this is a mean value seen as a single reading on a gemological refractometer, owing to the almost invariably polycrystalline nature of turquoise. A reading of 1.61–1.65 (birefringence 0.040, biaxial positive) has been taken from rare single crystals. An absorption spectrum may also be obtained with a hand-held spectroscope, revealing a line at 432 nm and a weak band at 460 nm (this is best seen with strong reflected light). Under longwave ultraviolet light, turquoise may occasionally fluoresce green, yellow or bright blue; it is inert under shortwave ultraviolet and X-rays. Turquoise is insoluble in all but heated hydrochloric acid. Its streak is a pale bluish white, and its fracture is conchoidal, leaving a waxy lustre. Despite its low hardness relative to other gems, turquoise takes a good polish. Turquoise may also be peppered with flecks of pyrite or interspersed with dark, spidery limonite veining. Turquoise is nearly always cryptocrystalline and massive and assumes no definite external shape. Crystals, even at the microscopic scale, are rare. Typically the form is a vein or fracture filling, nodular, or botryoidal in habit. Stalactite forms have been reported. Turquoise may also pseudomorphously replace feldspar, apatite, other minerals, or even fossils. Odontolite is fossil bone or ivory that has historically been thought to have been altered by turquoise or similar phosphate minerals such as the iron phosphate vivianite. Intergrowth with other secondary copper minerals such as chrysocolla is also common.

Formation of Turquoise

Turquoise deposits probably form in more than one way. However, a typical turquoise deposit begins with hydrothermal deposition of copper sulfides. This takes place when hydrothermal fluids leach copper from a host rock, which is typically an intrusion of calc-alkaline rock with a moderate to high silica content that is relatively oxidized. The copper is redeposited in more concentrated form as a copper porphyry, in which veins of copper sulfide fill joints and fractures in the rock. Deposition takes place mostly in the potassic alteration zone, which is characterized by conversion of existing feldspar to potassium feldspar and deposition of quartz and micas at a temperature of 400–600 °C (752–1,112 °F) Turquoise is a secondary or supergene mineral, not present in the original copper porphyry. It forms when meteoric water (rain or snow melt infiltrating the Earth's surface) percolates through the copper porphyry. Dissolved oxygen in the water oxidizes the copper sulfides to soluble sulfates, and the acidic, copper-laden solution then reacts with aluminum and potassium minerals in the host rock to precipitate turquoise. This typically fills veins in volcanic rock or phosphate-rich sediments. Deposition usually takes place at a relatively low temperature, 90–195 °C (194–383 °F), and seems to occur more readily in arid environments. Turquoise in the Sinai Peninsula is found in lower Carboniferous sandstones overlain by basalt flows and upper Carboniferous limestone. The overlying beds were presumably the source of the copper, which precipitated as turquoise in nodules, horizontal seams, or vertical joints in the sandstone beds. The classical Iranian deposits are found in sandstones and limestones of Tertiary age were intruded by apatite-rich porphyritic trachytes and mafic rock. Supergene alteration fractured the rock and converted some of the minerals in the rock to alunite, which freed aluminum and phosphate to combine with copper from oxidized copper sulfides to form turquoise. This process took place at a relatively shallow depth, and by 1965 the mines had "bottomed" at a depth averaging just 9 meters (30 ft) below the surface. Turquoise deposits are widespread in North America. Some deposits, such as those of Saguache and Conejos Counties in Colorado or the Cerrillos Hills in New Mexico, are typical supergene deposits formed from copper porphyries. The deposits in Cochise County, Arizona, are found in Cambrian quartzites and geologically young granites and go down at least as deep as 54 meters (177 ft).

Cultural Significance of Turquoise

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Uses of Turquoise

The rare and beautiful green-blue shades of turquoise have captivated various civilizations for thousands of years. Turquoise has a less-than-ideal hardness, so its use is largely ornamental—for making jewelry, sculptures, and various artwork. Due to its damage-proneness, intelligent jewelry design will protect the centerpiece turquoise with harder materials at the points of possible impact or friction.

The Meaning of Turquoise

Turquoise was perhaps the first stone coveted by humans and the history of this stone dates back to several thousand years B.C. Admired by Egyptians, Native Americans, Chinese, and many other cultures, turquoise was thought to be a magical stone and a symbol of good fortune. Turquoise is the birthstone of December.

Distribution of Turquoise

Since at least the First Dynasty (3000 BCE) in ancient Egypt, and possibly before then, turquoise was used by the Egyptians and was mined by them in the Sinai Peninsula. This region was known as the Country of Turquoise by the native Monitu. There are six mines in the peninsula, all on its southwest coast, covering an area of some 650 km2 (250 sq mi). The two most important of these mines, from a historical perspective, are Serabit el-Khadim and Wadi Maghareh, believed to be among the oldest of known mines. The former mine is situated about 4 kilometres from an ancient temple dedicated to the deity Hathor.Iran
Iran has been an important source of turquoise for at least 2,000 years. It was initially named by Iranians "pērōzah" meaning "victory", and later the Arabs called it "fayrūzah", which is pronounced in Modern Persian as "fīrūzeh". In Iranian architecture, the blue turquoise was used to cover the domes of palaces because its intense blue colour was also a symbol of heaven on earth.
United States
A fine turquoise specimen from Los Cerrillos, New Mexico, US, at the Smithsonian Museum. Cerrillos turquoise was widely used by Native Americans prior to the Spanish conquest.
Bisbee turquoise commonly has a hard chocolate brown coloured matrix.
Untreated turquoise, Nevada, US. Rough nuggets from the McGinness Mine, Austin. Blue and green cabochons showing spiderweb, Bunker Hill Mine, Royston
The Southwest United States is a significant source of turquoise; Arizona, California (San Bernardino, Imperial, Inyo counties), Colorado (Conejos, El Paso, Lake, Saguache counties), New Mexico (Eddy, Grant, Otero, Santa Fe counties) and Nevada (Clark, Elko, Esmeralda County, Eureka, Lander, Mineral County and Nye counties) are (or were) especially rich. The deposits of California and New Mexico were mined by pre-Columbian Native Americans using stone tools, some local and some from as far away as central Mexico. Cerrillos, New Mexico is thought to be the location of the oldest mines; prior to the 1920s, the state was the country's largest producer; it is more or less exhausted today. Only one mine in California, located at Apache Canyon, operates at a commercial capacity today.
Other sources
Turquoise prehistoric artifacts (beads) are known since the fifth millennium BCE from sites in the Eastern Rhodopes in Bulgaria – the source for the raw material is possibly related to the nearby Spahievo lead–zinc ore field.
China has been a minor source of turquoise for 3,000 years or more. Gem-quality material, in the form of compact nodules, is found in the fractured, silicified limestone of Yunxian and Zhushan, Hubei province. Additionally, Marco Polo reported turquoise found in present-day Sichuan. Most Chinese material is exported, but a few carvings worked in a manner similar to jade exist. In Tibet, gem-quality deposits purportedly exist in the mountains of Derge and Nagari-Khorsum in the east and west of the region respectively.
Other notable localities include: Afghanistan; Australia (Victoria and Queensland); north India; northern Chile (Chuquicamata); Cornwall; Saxony; Silesia; and Turkestan.

Etymology of Turquoise

Pliny the Elder referred to the mineral as callais (from Ancient Greek κάλαϊς) and the Aztecs knew it as chalchihuitl. The word turquoise dates to the 17th century and is derived from the French turquois meaning "Turkish" because the mineral was first brought to Europe through Turkey from mines in the historical Khorasan of Iran (Persia).

Healing Properties of Turquoise

Turquoise energy encourages its user to live a life of truth and integrity. It is believed to manifest strong clairvoyant abilities when used on the Throat chakra. It is said to bring balance and harmony to a person's feminine and masculine traits. Turquoise can be worn as jewelry, carried in a pocket, or placed in a room to dispense the benefits of its positive energy.

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